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“...Craig left a very successful practice as a trial lawyer to become a full-time mediator and his knowledge of Courtroom dynamics is an immense benefit in the mediation process..."

Full testimonial from Michelle Awad, K.C., Partner, McInnes Cooper here.

“...rare intuitive sense of both the range in which a deal can get done, and the path to get there..."

Full testimonial from Peter Jervis, Rochon Genova LLP here.


“...truly a lawyers’ lawyer in every sense that the words imply...” 

Full testimonial from James D.G. Douglas, Senior Counsel, BLG LLP (Toronto) here.

“...sophisticated business acumen, professionalism, persistence, imaginative..."

Full testimonial from Gerry Sadvari, (Toronto) here.

“...first-class legal mind as a litigator who cuts to the chase in analyzing and explaining issues..."

Full testimonial from Christopher Swart, Squire Patton Boggs, London/Singapore, Co-Head of Commodities & Shipping Group here.

“...a trustworthy, high respected, experienced advisor with professional discipline and a common sense approach...."

Full testimonial from Paul H. Vining, The Plains, Virginia, Chairman, Westmoreland Mining LLC here.


“ ‘go to’ for mediation in the construction industry..."

Full testimonial from James MacNeil, Managing Partner, Boyne Clarke Lawyers, LLP here.

“...brings excellent listening and communication skills to the dispute resolution process..."

Full testimonial from Chris Robinson, K.C., Pink Larkin Lawyers/Avocats here.

“...Craig has an innate ability to navigate through the challenges and make the process work..."

Full testimonial from Michael R. Brooker, K.C., Burchell MacDougall here.


“He is a peacemaker.  He is peaceable, gentle but firm, open to reason, merciful, impartial, sincere, willing to be patient and always willing to go the extra mile. With a career in the trenches of trial advocacy, he also knows the landscape better than anyone."

Full testimonial from Jamie MacGillivray, MacGillivray Law here.

“...a quick study with a ready mind; able to navigate complex facts, empirical studies and a host of nuance science..."

Full testimonial from Raymond F. Wagner, K.C., Founder, Wagner’s here.

“...I have done a couple of hundred mediations throughout my career and can unreservedly say that Craig is the best mediator I have worked with...."

Full testimonial from Shelley Wood, Partner, Stewart McKelvey here.

“Having attended hundreds of mediations in Ontario and Atlantic Canada, I can easily say that Craig is in the top 1% of mediators I have worked with . . .”  

Full testimonial from David Brannen, Resolute Legal here.


"...has earned the respect, trust and confidence of both Plaintiff and Defence Counsel..."

Full testimonial from Joseph E. Cantini, Cantini Law/Droit here.


“...hands down, my number one choice ..."

Full testimonial from Colin D. Feltham, Partner, Roebothan McKay Marshall here.

“...preparation, knowledge of the law and reputation for fairness..."

Full testimonial from Denis Fleming, Partner, Cox & Palmer here.

“...Craig has become my primary choice for mediators in all facets of the law. The tenacity in which he conducted cross-examinations is the same tenacity he brings to a mediation... "

Full testimonial from Michelle M. Kelly, Partner, Cox & Palmer here.

“...the best closer in the business..."

Full testimonial from Murray J. Ritch, K.C., Ritch Williams & Richards here.

“...Craig is invariably the first choice in mediation for both Plaintiff and Defence Counsel in NL..."

Full testimonial from Glen Roebothan, K.C., Roebathan McKay Marshall here.

“...he’ll cut through the noise, focus the parties on key issues, and get the job done..."

Full testimonial from Mark Rogers, Rogers, Rogers, Moyse here.

“...effectiveness as a mediator who can get the parties to a fair result in a timely and cost- effective manner..."

Full testimonial from Rodney J. Zdebiak, Stewart McKelvey, St. John’s here.

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